The key functional areas of SRB include tax policy formulation, implementation and enforcement of statutory provisions, audit of the taxpayers, pursuing legal matters at various appellate stages, regulation of procedures through IT, administration of human resource and facilitation of taxpayers. The Board is headed by Chairman who is assisted by Senior Advisor Tax Policy and four Members. Members are entrusted with the responsibility to formulate guidelines and manage the matters concerning the functional areas.
The Board meeting of SRB is regularly held which is attended by the Chairman, Secretary Finance, Senior Advisor Tax Policy and the Members. The Secretary SRB acts as the Secretary to the Board. SRB is also assisted by a strong IT team and a modern data centre, capable enough to absorb, assimilate and store the data of all the provincial taxes in Sindh.
Sindh Revenue Board (SRB) Head Office, 3rd Floor, Shaheen Complex, M. R. Kiyani Road, Karachi.